I've been neglecting my blog lately! Time for a mini haul.

beautyuk glam nails in 51 Smokey Lilac and 52 Jade RRP: £1.99 in Superdrug
Pretty, no? Jade reminds me of a slightly more blue version of a mint green, not as alien as Mint Green by Barry M but still within the same family. It's a lot more wearable and it is also darker than Mint Candy Apple by Essie so I think it will suit more skin tones easier. ^-^
Smokey Lilac, on the other hand, is a beautiful dusty/mauve grey lilac that is actually fairly unique within my collection. It has that smokier tinge to it that my other purples lack but it is a LOT lighter than the purples at the same time. Overall, I'm so excited for this shade.
As you can see, the shades are pretty. Thankfully this picture turned out okay-ish. Sorry for the bad quality but you get the gist of it! These were also very sloppy on the go swatches so I apologize for the oddly shaped swatches, my nails are normal I swear! :x

Silkimiz hair remover mitts of lies RRP £1.01
I'll go as far to say these are useless. A total waste of £1.01! Don't even attempt to try these out, believe me. :P
This product is basically a piece of pink sandpaper. It feels the same and it works the same. It instructs you to use a circular motion 4 times in one direction and then the other. Of course, that was utter rubbish, and I promptly (and many others, i will care to add) used it with a little bit more pressure. No hairs were removed (surprise) but I did have a wonderful sarcasm, white sand coming off my legs. And it wasn't the good exfoliation type - it was the type that, if you do it for much longer, it will sting the hell out of you if you even attempt to put water on it or touch it. I gave up, tore the ''mitt'' in half and told my friend to not even bother using it.
But of course, ''mixed opinions'' were brought up, so she did try it.
And low and behold, it sucked for her as well. Don't fall into the trap of this - read up on a few reviews and some people have experiences very stingy/painful legs with raised bumps and little to no hair removal at all.
A big fat 0/5 imo. You're better off with a razor.
Until Next Time,
Hahaha, it is really bad indeed. 'Some' hair was removed but not the 'Smooth, soft, hair free' legs they claim you'll achieve -_-
ReplyDeleteSome isn't really the word I would go for - I only got like 2. :P Useless! So glad it was only £1.01 but still. :/