However...It took forever for that stupid sticker to actually work! I was standing there, at the till, with some annoying 3x pissed off women who were waiting to buy one food item behind me. The cashier (first of all) put both products through at full price. Uh hello, I'm not paying almost 30bucks for these things when they're on buyonegetone -__- So I pointed out the mistake and it wouldn't go through, cue annoyed customers behind me. Excuse me, where do they get off grumbling? Move tills if you're so important.
Sigh, it made the whole situation a whole lot worse. I was embarrassed but determined not to pay for something that I didn't have to. In the end the code went through and the cashier was lovely. I mean come on, why can't people wait 5minutes anymore? What makes your bloody breakfast cereal so important?
Sorry for the rant, It just got to me ahaha. I have to say, as polite as the Americans tend to seem compared to the UK I do prefer our way of things. Some things I saw/were part of I found incredibly rude. Different cultures I guess, nobody would swear out there but plenty people think that it's their right to complain all the time. It's just odd to me I guess!
Sorry, again. :3
Until Next Time,
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